Refund Policy for Ace Softwares

  1. Refund Eligibility for Customized Software Solutions:

    • No refunds will be issued once a project has been initiated. Once the development or customization work has commenced, the client is not eligible for a refund. Ace Softwares reserves the right to assess and determine the refundable amount based on work completed and project-specific circumstances.
  2. Refund Options for Subscription-Based Services:

    • For subscription-based services, refund requests are eligible within 3 days from the date of purchase. Refunds for subscription services will be processed on a prorate basis. A minimum deduction of Rs 1500 will be applied, or the prorated amount, whichever is higher.
  3. No Transfer of Services:

    • There is no option to transfer services to another account or client under any circumstances.
  4. Refund Request Process:

    • In the event of a refund request, Ace Softwares encourages open communication. We understand situations may arise, and we're here to assist. Please contact us at or call 9787209030. Let's talk, and we'll be glad to explore solutions together.
  5. Refund Approval Rights:

    • Ace Softwares reserves the right to reject or deny refund requests based on the unique circumstances of each case. We are committed to fairness and open communication during the process.

Note: We genuinely regret any inconvenience leading to a refund request. If you find yourself considering a refund, we encourage you to reach out to us. We value our relationship with you and would be glad to work together to find the best solution.

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your understanding.
